Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tips & Tricks: Perky Pillows

One of our largest pet peeves is when your pillow does not fully fill out the pillow sham, particularly if it's a euro sham. You see them looking so perfect in the catalog and then they arrive and they literally flop instead of standing up straight. To cure this problem we have a simple trick that we use on all our beds. Make sure that your euro pillow is actually a few inches larger than the pillow. A standard euro sham is 26x26. We use a maximum of a 29x29 pillow insert. For us this is the perfect size, but you could also use a 28x28 pillow insert. Any smaller and you could run the risk of flopping. Also, ensure that you are not using a down pillow. The pillows tends to sag and lose their shape. We purchase all of our pillows off of Ebay from this seller

1 comment:

  1. What is the name of the ebay Seller that you purchase your Euro inserts?
